We specialize in selling technical products and providing security services to housing, companies, and private and government departments. We work in the GAC to sell, distribute and develop all systems related to printing and encrypting plastic cards, monitoring and verification methods, and log in and out, in addition to advanced digital monitoring and warning systems. We believe in the importance of security and safety for individuals and institutions, for this, we rely on GAC on our expertise to provide our customers with the highest levels of order, security, and protection in their homes and institutions of different types, sizes, and nature of their activities, for this, we have been able during our work to gain the confidence of all customers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we exchange trust with our customers by providing the latest products and the most famous international companies in this field, and we offer the best and most secure solutions, we contract with the largest companies in the world, which contributes to providing the best products to the Saudi market.

What We Belive In GAC
Advanced technology products and services, easy to use, and at competitive prices

Important Numbers
More to know about our Achievements
Proudly stating our achievements & still aiming to achieve more with the same ambition and desire to help our clients.